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#RPDUzo is a 9-year-old Malinois. He joined Gwent Police at 11 months old and within two weeks was on his initial training course.


#RPDUzo was a very successful general purpose and firearms support dog. During his career, he apprehended many criminals, located many missing people and found items of evidential value, far too numerous to remember!


He also assisted at many public order events and his powerful stare was a great deterrent.  


#RPDUzo worked up to the end of March 2019 when he joined his handler in retirement.  He now lives in Pembrokeshire and loves his mum and dad, his kong and the water (sea or river, he is not fussy) - not necessarily in that order!


#RPDUzo has still not embraced full retirement and loves to ‘work’, which can be somewhat of a challenge!  He has also recently found a girlfriend in the village where he lives called Narla, a German Shepherd crossed Rottweiler.  It is fair to say he is a very content and happy boy.

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